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Unless you are dairy, gluten and egg intolerant, I can't understand how anyone can not like pancakes. These are like fluffy clouds packed loosely in a neat circular parcel.
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Unless you are dairy, gluten and egg intolerant, I can't understand how anyone can not like pancakes. These are like fluffy clouds packed loosely in a neat circular parcel.
I can hear you asking. Why would one need another recipe for pancakes? Perhaps you don't but if you have never been able to flip out pancakes that are light and fluffy, this is the recipe for you. The bonus? These are the only pancakes that I know that taste just as nice reheated the next day.
Should I or should I not say what I want to say next? Ok, here I go. These taste similar to McDonald's breakfast pancakes but way, way better! Their pancakes taste too dry for my tastebuds but these are moist, stay moist and have a deep flavour of dairy, vanilla and flour. I have been found holding pancakes to my nose and inhaling deeply.
10 minutes
15 minutes
13 4" size pancakes
Oven Temperature:
Can recipe be doubled?
Make ahead?
Yes, make the night before. Reheat in microwave. Scroll down to 'Tips' for alternate reheating suggestions.
Just the ingredients
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup ricotta
1/2 Tablespoon vanilla extract
1 cup cake flour
To make cake flour:
3.88oz (110g) plain flour
0.52oz (15g) corn flour
1 and 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 egg whites room temperature
1/2 Tablespoon neutral tasting oil
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup ricotta
1/2 Tablespoon vanilla extract
1 cup cake flour
To make cake flour:
3.88oz (110g) plain flour
0.52oz (15g) corn flour
OR measure 1 cup plain flour, remove 2 Tablespoons of it and replace with 2 Tablespoons corn flour
1 and 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 egg whites room temperature
1/2 Tablespoon neutral tasting oil
In a large mixing bowl, use a whisk to mix sour cream, ricotta and vanilla extract. Gradually whisk in the milk. Set aside.
If you are making your own cake flour, sift twice the plain and corn flours with the baking powder and salt. Set aside.
If you have cake flour, sift it once with the baking powder and salt. Set aside.
Only whisk egg whites when you are ready to fry the pancakes.
Whisk egg whites until it reaches stiff peak stage. What's that? When you lift up beaters/whisk from the whisked egg whites, it leaves pointy peaks (not floppy ones).
Transfer the dry ingredients into the mixing bowl with the wet ingredients (but not the egg whites). With a whisk, mix it in briefly. Less than a minute should be more than sufficient. The batter will be lumpy and not smooth. Do not mix further.
Dollop some whisked egg whites into the batter and whisk in gently. This loosens it up so that it will be easier to fold in the remaining egg whites.
Dollop some whisked egg whites into the batter and whisk in gently. This loosens it up so that it will be easier to fold in the remaining egg whites.
With a spatula or a broad face spoon, mix in the remaining egg whites in two intervals. Do not over fold. The batter will be thick and not entirely smooth. It takes me about 1 minute.
In a heated frying pan (medium-high heat), drizzle the 1/2 Tablespoon oil. Drop 1/4 cup of batter.
When little funnels appear over the surface of the pancakes, it is time to flip them.
When little funnels appear over the surface of the pancakes, it is time to flip them.
It should be a darker shade of golden brown. Depending on how hot your frying pan is, the other side should cook through within half a minute.
You might have to bring down the temperature of the burner after the second or third round of pancakes go onto the frying pan. The pan would have reached optimal heat at this point and might now be too hot.
How do you get the pancakes round? With a steady hand, drop the batter from a height of 3" (7.62cm). Don't shift your hand and resist the urge to shift the cup/scoop to create a round shape. It will be pretty much round and do not be obsessive about getting the last drop of batter out of the measuring cup.
Keep pancakes warm under a tea towel/aluminium foil.
If you are not eating them straight away, cool completely and keep in an airtight container.
Scroll down to 'Tips' to find out how I reheat pancakes.
Keep pancakes warm under a tea towel/aluminium foil.
If you are not eating them straight away, cool completely and keep in an airtight container.
Scroll down to 'Tips' to find out how I reheat pancakes.
Reheating pancakes
Microwave: This does the best job. Overlap pancakes on plate. Place a little dish of water (2 Tablespoons) in the centre of plate. Microwave less than 1 minute.
Stove: Spritz a cold frying pan with water. Overlap pancakes in the cold frying pan. Spritz water over it and cover frying pan with a lid/aluminium foil.
Bring the heat up to medium and heat through ~ 5 minutes.
Oven: Heat the oven to 400 F (200C). Spritz a baking tray with water. Overlap the pancakes, spritz with water and cover with aluminium foil. Heat up in the oven for ~5 to 10 minutes.
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