Saturday 21 February 2015

Tidying Up In Progress

Hi! I'm now working from Wordpress. I've spent a great deal of time editing and reorganising this post on Wordpress and it is so much friendlier to read & follow my recipe from there. Click on this link to take you directly to my newest and old recipes,

I am working on those Pull Down Tabs at the moment. I am finding it more than a bit of a challenge as I am more comfortable wrapping my fingers around a knife and spoon than a keyboard. 

At the same time, I am frantically trying to grasp and decode all those technical jargon to make sense of all the instructions. 

With a lot of help, I will hopefully get it done sooner than later. 

All my links have disappeared for the moment.

Thank you for being patient. 

In the meantime, please continue to refer to the sidebar for recipes. 

Happy eating. 
