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Avocado Salad With A HomeMade Japanese Inspired Sesame & Applesauce Dressing
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The combination of the 7 salad ingredients with the homemade salad dressing makes this a scrumptious salad which I have been eating a lot of.
I used to frequent, on a far too often basis, a small Japanese eatery that serves this salad. I liked it so much I would deliberately go back just to eat it.
It took me a long time to realise that it would make more sense for me to come up with a recipe for it. Surprising since, waiting for a carpark lot is one of my pet peeves and parking there can be close to a nightmare. On hindsight, I think I was so into the salad, I was coming up with excuses to eat it.
When I finally did admit to myself that it was nonsensical to be circling around the carpark for sometimes 15 minutes just for a salad, I made more excuses to go back. After all, I told myself, I had to make sure I have the taste imprinted in my mind and so another chopstick full of avocado salad would be guided into my mouth.
As I was coming up with the recipe for the sesame dressing, it occurred to me that the Japanese eatery very likely bought their sesame sauce. You can certainly buy the salad dressing but have your read the list of ingredients at the back of the bottle? There are ingredients in there that read, "enzymatically decomposed yolk and salt". I am not joking.
You buy the sesame dressing if you like. I am sure the better quality ones would be good but given a choice I would rather not have a "decomposed yolk" pass through my lips.
20 minutes
3-5 minutes to toast the sesame seeds
4 as a side salad, 2 as a meal
Oven Temperature:
Can recipe be doubled?
Make ahead?
2 hours before serving, ingredients can be cut and each ingredient tightly wrapped individually in plastic wrap to avoid drying out and discolouration. Refrigerate.
Just the ingredients
1 Tablespoon sesame seeds
1 to 2 avocados
1 cup baby tomatoes
5 cups lettuce leaves cut
1/4 cup purple cabbage shredded
3/4 cup red apple cut
3/4 cup seedless cucumber cut
1/2 cup of my homemade Sesame Applesauce Salad Dressing
1 Tablespoon sesame seeds
1 to 2 avocados
1 to 2 avocados
1 cup baby tomatoes cut
5 cups lettuce leaves cut
1/4 cup purple cabbage shredded
5 cups lettuce leaves cut
1/4 cup purple cabbage shredded
3/4 cup red apple cut
3/4 cup seedless cucumber cut
1/2 cup of my homemade Sesame Applesauce Salad Dressing
Toast the sesame seeds in a hot frying pan. Stir the seeds to avoid burning.
Cut vegetables/apple as shown in the photograph.
The purple cabbage should be in 1" (2.5cm) length slivers.
The red apple was halved, cored, sliced, stacked up and cut at a diagonal into matchstick size.
The cucumber was sliced diagonally, stacked up and cut at a diagonal into matchstick size.
Distribute ingredients (except the avocado and sesame seeds) evenly into 4 bowls.
Top with the avocado. Drizzle with the homemade Sesame Applesauce Salad Dressing and sprinkle lastly with the sesame seeds.
No one would complain if you leave more of the dressing at the table for your diners to help themselves.
If you are concerned about having leftover salad dressing, the dressing is very versatile and can be used as a vegetable dip, sauce over cold udon, blocks of cold tofu... Click to link to my post before this for visuals of these dishes, Sesame Applesauce Salad Dressing And Dip
These crispy gluten & egg free corn fritters which are highly addictive!
Toast the sesame seeds in a hot frying pan. Stir the seeds to avoid burning.
Once it starts to smell nice and are a light golden brown, turn off the heat and remove the pan from the burner. Transfer to a plate.
If you leave it in the pan, it might start to burn in the residual heat. Cool.
All the vegetables/apple should be thoroughly chilled before assembling salad.Cut vegetables/apple as shown in the photograph.
The purple cabbage should be in 1" (2.5cm) length slivers.
The red apple was halved, cored, sliced, stacked up and cut at a diagonal into matchstick size.
The cucumber was sliced diagonally, stacked up and cut at a diagonal into matchstick size.
Distribute ingredients (except the avocado and sesame seeds) evenly into 4 bowls.
Top with the avocado. Drizzle with the homemade Sesame Applesauce Salad Dressing and sprinkle lastly with the sesame seeds.
No one would complain if you leave more of the dressing at the table for your diners to help themselves.
If you are concerned about having leftover salad dressing, the dressing is very versatile and can be used as a vegetable dip, sauce over cold udon, blocks of cold tofu... Click to link to my post before this for visuals of these dishes, Sesame Applesauce Salad Dressing And Dip
These crispy gluten & egg free corn fritters which are highly addictive!